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Going Big with the Moon

Online Community

Unlock Your Potential: A Modern Guide to Lunar Wisdom

If you’re seeking clarity, confidence, and inner strength in today's fast-paced world, this lunar-loving community offers a practical approach to self-discovery and personal growth, without the mystical fluff.

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A Modern Guide to Working with Lunar Energy

Unveiling the Mysteries of the Moon

In our hectic society, it's easy to feel disconnected from ourselves and everything around us.

My Going Big with The Moon community provides a refreshing approach to self-discovery, rooted in practicality and grounded in real-world experience.

I don't believe you need to dance around in the woods or perform elaborate rituals to tap into the transformative power of the moon.

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Are you drawn to how mystical the moon is?


Do you want to dig a little deeper into its hidden wisdom and gain the skills to interpret its guidance?


Welcome to Going Big with The Moon.


Come along on an enchanting online journey that will guide you through the mysteries of the moon's phases and its transformative energy.


What You'll Learn Along the Way

  • How to develop your self-awareness and emotional intelligence

  • How to navigate life's challenges with ease, peace, and resilience

  • How to find a deeper connection with yourself and the world around you

  • How to leverage lunar energy to manifest your goals and intentions

  • No Fluff, No Nonsense Guarantee

You Want Tangible Results, Not Mystical Promises

In this down-to-earth online journey, I get real, cut through the mystical jargon and focus on actionable techniques to tackle everyday challenges.

Cheryl Kerr Tarot

I've been reading tarot cards for over 32 years and have been described as 'The UK's Foremost Tarot Reader'.


And I've been talking about the Moon for just as long. I previously ran my Moon Courses over on Facebook, but now they're available here, exclusively on my website.

Cheryl Kerr Tarot reader sat at a table with a purple cloth with a tarot card spread in front of her.

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How My Moon Community is Different

From Others

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Moon Stages

Learn How to Work with the Moon.

A Contemporary Guide to Navigating the Moon.

I’m always getting messages like: “Cheryl, what’s the Moon doing? When can I set intentions? Am I supposed to be burning stuff under the Moon tonight? Is the Moon doing something weird - because I’m being a crank! How can I find my Moon sign?” etc, etc.

I’ve been coaching people on how to work with the Moon for years and as more people become interested in spirituality and self-development, I thought it was time that I revived a ‘Moon Course’ that I used to facilitate over on Facebook.

If you’re ready to explore the magic of moon without the ‘woo-woo’, then you might be interested in joining us.

I don’t do woo-woo, even if it seems like that’s what I’m all about…No, my Moon is in Capricorn, so I prefer practices that keep me grounded, that get me results, and bring something tangible into my life.

Working with the Moon means much more than wishing and manifesting...

A Modern Way to Work with Lunar Energy

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Who This Community is for:

Beginners with Little or No Moon Knowledge:


If you're new to working with the moon and eager to embark on an illuminating journey of discovery, "Going Big with the Moon" will provide you with a solid foundation. I'll guide you step-by-step through the mystical realms of lunar energy, making it accessible and easy to understand for newcomers.


Moon Enthusiasts Seeking a Comprehensive Learning Experience:


Whether you've dabbled in moon 'rituals' before or only have a basic understanding, "Going Big with the Moon" offers a chance to explore the nuances of each lunar phase. With a focus on practical application, I'll equip you with the knowledge and tools to harness the power of the moon for your own personal growth and transformation.


Individuals Looking to Deepen Their Connection with Lunar Energy:


If you've felt a pull towards the moon but have struggled to fully connect with its energy, this community is designed to help you strengthen that bond. By providing practical exercises, reference guides and resources, "Going Big with the Moon" encourages you to trust your intuition, deepen your understanding of lunar cycles, and embrace the transformative potential of working with the moon.

Who This Community is NOT for

Experienced Moon Practitioners:


If you already have a deep understanding of working with lunar energy, have mastered various moon rituals, and are seeking advanced or specialised knowledge, "Going Big with the Moon" may not provide the level of depth you're looking for.


Individuals Not Open to Intuitive Learning:


"Going Big with the Moon" emphasises the development of intuitive connection with lunar energy. If you are solely interested in rigid, rule-based systems and prefer a more traditional approach to moon work, this community may not align with your learning preferences.


Those Expecting Immediate Results without Dedication:


"Going Big with the Moon" is a community that will show you simple practices but they still require a level of dedication, practice, and a commitment to self-discovery. If you're looking for quick fixes or shortcuts without investing the necessary time and effort, this community may not meet your expectations.

For Your 'Going Big with The Moon' Online Journey.

You will need:


  1. Internet access: To view course materials and access online resources.

  2. Device: A laptop, PC, tablet, or smartphone that can connect to the internet.

  3. Journal and pens: Essential for jotting down notes, reflections, and intentions.

  4. Calendar: To track lunar phases and plan moon-related activities.

  5. A Printer: Or access to a printer so you can print off worksheets and guides.

  6. Headphones (optional): For listening to guided meditations and audio files.


With these basic tools and your commitment, you'll be ready to embark on your journey of self-discovery and inner transformation guided by the moon.

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A Different Approach to Navigating the Moon.

With life so often frantic, many of us struggle to maintain a sense of connection with ourselves and our surroundings. This modern reality often leaves us feeling disconnected, searching for deeper meaning and a sense of purpose amidst the chaos of daily life.


My "Going Big with The Moon" online community aims to  provide a more modern approach to self-discovery, grounded in practicality, prioritising actionable steps, and drawing from my years of practical experience.


Gone are the days of elaborate rituals or wandering through the woods. Instead, I focus on modern, practical techniques to harness the moon's transformative energy and more importantly, tools and techniques that have worked for me.

A New Way to Work with Lunar Energy


A Brand New, Working with the Moon
Online Community.

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Understanding the Eight Moon Phases:


We'll explore the moon's various phases, unraveling the mysteries behind each one. No mystical jargon, just a practical understanding of how these phases impact our emotions, moods, intuition, and even our sleep. We'll go through each phase, month by month, and how we can work with them effectively.


Manifesting Goals and the Waxing Phases:


I'm always being asked how to work with the New Moon particularly, I will share with you, ways to harness the energy of this phase to set intentions and goals for yourself. I will also suggest and provide practical exercises and very simple 'rituals' or habits, that will guide you through the process of manifesting through the phases.


Celebrate and Release with the Full Moon:


The Full Moon is not all about release, it's about the fruits of our labours coming to fruition. You will discover the power of celebration AND release during the Full Moon phase. We'll explore powerful ways that help us to let go, foster resilience and promote emotional well-being, as we move forwards.


Inner Transformation and the Waning Phases:


Reflection and adjustment, grounding, and activities to help navigate the waning phases, for inner transformation. I'll provide or recommend introspective exercises through which you may develop more self-awareness, compassion, and a deeper connection with your inner self. 


Ongoing Community Support:


Inside the GBWTM private group, we'll follow the Moon in 'real-time'. We'll journey through every new and full moon of the zodiac as the year goes on. Join a vibrant community of like-minded individuals, in a safe space for shared growth and exploration. 


Learn how to 'feed' your personal Moon and MUCH More.

Q: What exactly is the purpose of your moon community?

A: My "Going Big with the Moon" online, lunar community is designed to provide a happy, supportive, and safe space for individuals interested in exploring the moon's energy, astrology, self-development, and spiritual growth. It's a place where like-minded individuals can come together to learn, share experiences, and support each other on their journey.

Q: What can I expect to gain from joining your community?

A: By joining this community, you can expect to deepen your understanding of working with the moon's energy and its influence on your life. You'll have access to resources, tools, and guidance to support your personal growth and spiritual development. Additionally, you'll become part of a supportive community that shares similar interests and goals. 

Q: Do I need prior knowledge of astrology and spirituality?

A: Not at all! This community welcomes everyone, especially those new to working with lunar energy. The group ccontent and resources are designed to be accessible and inclusive, catering to the needs of both beginners and more experienced practitioners.

Q: How is your community different from other moon-related groups or communities?

A: I hope this community stands out for its practical and no-nonsense approach to working with the moon's energy. I focus on providing simple and easy-to-understand solutions, thoughts, and ideas that can be applied to daily life. I also emphasise the importance of self-development, offering guidance and support to help my members manifest their deepest desires and release what's holding them back. (See above for more answers to this question!)

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Q: What kind of activities and resources are available in your community?

A: I’ll suggest a variety of activities and provide resources, including guided activities for accountability, access to moon and astrological energies resources, real-time experiential understanding of moon phases and zodiac signs, learning through journal prompts and worksheets, and you’ll gain valuable insights and support from collaborative activities with other members. You don't have to do all of the activities, you get to choose the ones that resonate with you!

Q: How often are new activities or content added to the community?

A: I will regularly update our community with fresh content, activities, and resources to keep our members engaged and supported in their journey, and at least 3 times per week. New activities, prompts, and discussions will be added on a regular basis to provide ongoing opportunities for learning and growth, and I will be on hand to answer any questions or reply to comments and ideas.

Q: When will the doors to the online moon community open?

A: The doors to my “Going Big with the Moon” online, lunar community will open on April 1st, 2024, at 12:10 GMT. Make sure to stay subscribed for updates as my special subscription rate will be available to site subscribers first.

Q: Where will the online moon community be hosted?

A: This community will be exclusively hosted on my website. It will not be a Facebook group or available on any other external platform. Here, on this site, is the only place you’ll be able to access it. will be releasing cost details very soon. 

Q: How can I join your community, and what are the subscription options?

A: There’s just one subscription offer, a monthly fee with the flexibility to cancel anytime. The doors are open NOW.

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Follow the Moon in Real-Time

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Get a FREE Buildable Planner and All of the Resources and Worksheets You Could Possibly Need to Build Your Own Personal Reference Guide - You Will Refer Back to it for Years to Come!



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